Our newests


Lenoble. Louis XIV son of Anne of Austria and Cardinal Richelieu!
Louis XIV, son of his mother Queen Anne of Austria’s adulterous love affair with Cardinal Richelieu!


Pagnol. Marius-Fanny-César. Author's dedication.
Marcel Pagnol. Marius, Fanny and César. The famous trilogy from Marseille, each volume with the author’s dedication.


Parc au cerf. Peixotte
Two violent revolutionary pamphlets, including Le Parc au cerf with its extremely rare original engraving.


Le Bon. Horseback riding. Photos.
Gustave Le Bon. Treatise on horseback riding. Enriched copy with original photos, with an autograph sent to the son of President Sadi Carnot.


Antique deck of 32 transformed cards
Antique deck of 32 transformed cards