Precious Venetian vade mecum handwritten in 1708

Venise vade-mecum manuscrit 1708

    Libro de Nobili, che portano Veste, cioè L’Anno Mese e Giorno, che sono nati, et anco L’Anno che sono congiunti in Mattrimonio. Fatto del Mese di Marzo l’Anno 1708. [Register of nobles ‘who wear the habit’ (patricians), it […]

Almanach with Marie-Antoinette’s coat of arms

Almanach 1788 Marie-Antoinette

  Le Trésor des Almanachs, Etrennes nationales, considérablement augmentées. Etrennes nationales, curieuses et instructives enrichies de figures, d’anecdotes historiques, et d’une infinité de traits remarquables. Année bissextile 1788. Paris, chez Cailleau, [1787]. In-32 (9,5 x 5,7 cm). 143 pp. including […]

Interesting and useful things about the Republic of Geneva


  Recueil de plusieurs choses utiles intéressantes, et curieuses concernant : La République de Genève. [Genève], 1771. Manuscript in-8°, written in elegant, highly legible ink. Title, [2] pp. of table, 168 pp. Early 20th century glazed green sheepskin, spine with […]