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Guillotine Schmidt
Guillotine and Executioners. Recherches historiques et physiologiques sur la guillotine, et détails sur Sanson by Louis-François Du Bois, rare booklet from 1843. With the execution of Papavoine in 1846.


Jordaan Guillotine
“Fiat Iustitia !”. The Guillotine, a terrible instrument of revolutionary justice. Striking drawing by Jordaan.


L’Ami des Jeunes Demoiselles. 1824.French educational work, copy from the Tsarskoie-Selo imperial library. Французское учебное сочинение, копия из Императорской библиотеки Царское Село.


Moulay Ismael and Mademoiselle de Blois
The powerful Sultan of Morocco Moulay Ismaïl (مولاي إسماعيل) in love with Mademoiselle de Blois, daughter of Louis XIV, wishes to marry her.


Honegger. L'Automne. autographe.
Arthur HONEGGER. Exceptional autograph manuscript of Automne, mélodie on a poem by Guillaume Apollinaire, the composer’s first masterpiece, with a handwritten sent to the godmother of his daughter Pascale.