The future Henry III, recently elected King of Poland, prepares his journey to his new kingdom. Conscious of his rank, he wishes to surround himself with great and noble lords, including the Count of Abain, Montaigne’s old friend, devout Catholic, diplomat and man of war.

Henri III duc d'Anjou roi de Pologne

  Henri III (1551-1589), King of France, then King of Poland. Signed letter “Vostre bon amy Henri “, Paris, 7 August 1573, to [Louis de Chasteigner de La Roche-Posay], Mons[ieur] d’Abin, gentilhomme de la chambre du Roy, monseigneur et fr[ere] “. […]

Victor Considerant. Interesting intimate correspondence.

  Victor Considerant (Salins, 1808 – Paris, 1893), french philosopher and economist. 8 autograph letters signed, 1827-1846, to Clarisse Vigoureux in Besançon and Montagney [5], and to her daughter Julie Vigoureux, Mrs Victor Considerant [3].  26 pages in-8°, one heading […]

Jules Lemaitre. Anti-Masonic manuscript.


  Jules Lemaitre (1853-1914), member of the French Academy, antiDreyfusard and president of the Patriotic French League. Few documents about Freemasonry. Autograph manuscript signed twice ” Jules Lemaitre ” (on the 12th page), no place no date [around 1899]. 13 numbered […]