André Malraux (1901-1976). Correspondence and documents. 8 autograph letters signed, Provins, Sens and Collemiers, April-October 1940, (7 addressed to Josette Clotis and one to her father, Joseph Clotis, with a correspondence card from Josette addressed to him, Neuilly, […]
Precious set from René Thorel (1877-1916), captain of the 347th Infantry Regiment, 24th Company, fell in the field of honour on 8 June 1916 in Fleury-sous-Thiaumont (Verdun). Journalist, columnist, author of tales, he is one of the 560 writers who […]
Emotional testimony of gratitude from the author to his queen, now exiled to Paris since 1868, who had supported him in his pharaonic architectural project, one of the grandest of its century in that area. José Marin-Baldo. […]
[Jean Marie Charles Abrial (1879-1962), French admiral, hero of Dunkirk and then minister of the navy of the Vichy regime from November 1942 to March 1943]. Mediterranean Wing Fanions Album. 1936 ● 1938. No place, no name, [1938]. Oblong […]
Le Prince de Hombourg, T.N.P., Chaillot, May 1952. 23 anonymous sketches in ink, elegantly handcoloured and embellished with gold and silver, annotated, some captioned (“Gérard Philipe “, “l’électeur de Brandebourg Jean Vilar “, “Jeanne Moreau “, “Jean Négroni “), with some sketches of […]