André Malraux. His loves, his struggles, his work. 1940-1975.

Malraux Correspondance et documents

    André Malraux (1901-1976). Correspondence and documents. 8 autograph letters signed, Provins, Sens and Collemiers, April-October 1940, (7 addressed to Josette Clotis and one to her father, Joseph Clotis, with a correspondence card from Josette addressed to him, Neuilly, […]

Gérard Philipe and Jeanne Moreau in the Prince of Homburg

Gérard Philipe

  Le Prince de Hombourg, T.N.P., Chaillot, May 1952. 23 anonymous sketches in ink, elegantly handcoloured and embellished with gold and silver, annotated, some captioned (“Gérard Philipe “, “l’électeur de Brandebourg Jean Vilar “, “Jeanne Moreau “, “Jean Négroni “), with some sketches of […]