André Malraux. His loves, his struggles, his work. 1940-1975.

Malraux Correspondance et documents

    André Malraux (1901-1976). Correspondence and documents. 8 autograph letters signed, Provins, Sens and Collemiers, April-October 1940, (7 addressed to Josette Clotis and one to her father, Joseph Clotis, with a correspondence card from Josette addressed to him, Neuilly, […]

Almanac with arms bound by René Dubuisson

René Dubuisson

    Almanach royal, année M. DCC. XLV […]. Paris, Veuve d’Houry, 1745. In-8°. 443 pp. The calendar is interfoliate and the copy is annotated. Contemporary red morocco , flat spines decorated with fleurs-de-lis, title and vintage pieces in fawn-colored […]

Parisian gradual, 1609, published during the reign of Henry IV.

Graduel Paris 1609

    [Gradual]. Graduale Romanum juxta missale ex decreto sacrosancti concilii trindentini, Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu antea editum. Et Clementiis VIII. Etiam Pont. Max. auctoritate nuper recognitum. Cui additus est Cantus Missarum omnium votivarum qui desiderabatur ante hac : item […]