Lighthouse St. George Reef

Phare Saint-Georges Reef

    Lighthouse St. George Reef, Californie. [Technical plan in half vertical cut of the lantern of St. George’s Lighthouse]. No place, 14 septembre 1886. Drawing in watercoloured China ink (68 x 48 cm.) of the focal plane of the […]

Gérard Philipe and Jeanne Moreau in the Prince of Homburg

Gérard Philipe

  Le Prince de Hombourg, T.N.P., Chaillot, May 1952. 23 anonymous sketches in ink, elegantly handcoloured and embellished with gold and silver, annotated, some captioned (“Gérard Philipe “, “l’électeur de Brandebourg Jean Vilar “, “Jeanne Moreau “, “Jean Négroni “), with some sketches of […]