Napoleon under guard on St. Helena, end of November 1816

Napoléon prisonnier à Sainte-Hélène

  Napoleon on St. Helena. Painting by François Martinet. State of the [British garrison]. St Helena. [.]. Saint Helena, 17-29 November 1816. Anonymous manuscript [Superior Officer ?] in-16, in English, . 34 unnumbered pages, written in fine and elegant writing […]

Precious document written on the eve of the storming of the Bastille, moving link between three lieutenants of the French Guards, the Marquis de Thuisy, the earl Constant de Suzannet, and the Marquis de Barville, brothers in arms who remained loyal to the king, in a prestigious binding of the Comte de Caumont

Gardes Françaises juin 1789

    [Marquis de Thuisy]. État du Régiment des Gardes Françoises du Roy au mois de Juin 1789. [Paris, 1789]. Manuscript in-16. [1], 7 white, 93 pp., 13 ff. white. Long-grained blue morocco, richly decorated long back, plates decorated with […]

André Malraux. His loves, his struggles, his work. 1940-1975.

Malraux Correspondance et documents

    André Malraux (1901-1976). Correspondence and documents. 8 autograph letters signed, Provins, Sens and Collemiers, April-October 1940, (7 addressed to Josette Clotis and one to her father, Joseph Clotis, with a correspondence card from Josette addressed to him, Neuilly, […]

Almanac with arms bound by René Dubuisson

René Dubuisson

    Almanach royal, année M. DCC. XLV […]. Paris, Veuve d’Houry, 1745. In-8°. 443 pp. The calendar is interfoliate and the copy is annotated. Contemporary red morocco , flat spines decorated with fleurs-de-lis, title and vintage pieces in fawn-colored […]

Exceptional and moving collection from the library of King Louis-Philippe, where are described the tragedies and sufferings endured by the members of his dear family during the Revolution

Duc d'Orléans, futur Louis-Philippe Ier

  [Dummy collection about the House of Orléans] ● Louis-Antoine-Philippe d’Orléans, duc de Montpensier. Mémoires. Paris, Baudouin frères, 1824. In-4°. xv, 1 white, 207 pp. [Bound together:] ●● Louis-François Gamache. Récit de la translation de Louis-Philippe-Joseph duc d’Orléans, des prisons […]

Jean de Bry, new prefect of the Doubs, complains about his insufficient resources

Jean de Bry. Lettre autographe signée. Besançon. 1801.

Jean de Bry (1760-1834), conventional, member of the Five Hundreds Council. Autograph letter signed “J.  Debry “, Besançon, on 12 thermidor year 9 [31 July 1801], to “my dear J[oseph] Bonaparte “. 2 pp. in-4°.                                                                    Beautiful letter of complaint from […]