Henry Schenck Tanner. A New Universal Atlas, containing Maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World. With a special map of each of the United States, plans of cities, &c. Comprehended in seventy sheets and […]
Emotional testimony of gratitude from the author to his queen, now exiled to Paris since 1868, who had supported him in his pharaonic architectural project, one of the grandest of its century in that area. José Marin-Baldo. […]
Johann-Daniel Schoepflin – Andreas Lamey. Alsatia diplomatica. Mannhemii, ex typographia elect. aulica et academica, 1772-1775. 2 vol. in folio (dim. 40 x 26 cm). [Volume I] : Alsatia ævi Merovingici Carolingici Saxonici Salici Suevici diplomatica. Mannhemii, ex typographia academica, […]
Marguerite Yourcenar. Alexis ou le Traité du Vain Combat. Paris, Plon, 1952. In-8°. 191 pp. Bradel binding of green papier boards, gilt title, cover kept. 2th edition, preceded by a short preface that can be considered the first outline […]
Jacques Le Brigant. Observations fondamentales sur les langues anciennes et modernes ; ou Prospectus de l’Ouvrage intitulé : La Langue primitive conservée. Paris, Barrois l’aîné, 1787. In-4°. [2] pp. of warning and errata, 111 pp., [1] p. of approval. Typographical ornament […]
Proof copy of the collection Amour with the author’s dedication, sort of poetic testament of a miserable and desperate Verlaine, with his autograph call for help addressed to his publisher Léon Vanier and the petty advance that he granted […]
Alfred de Musset sends to George Sand’s daughter a collection of his poems , sweet nostalgic fragrance of passionate loves of the most romantic couple in French literature. Alfred de Musset. Poésies complètes. Paris, Charpentier, 1840. In-12. ii, […]
Meng Tseu [Mencius in western language, by Stanislas Julien]. 道光四年(1824年),石板鐫刻 西講孟子,梁茹蓮校訂. [The Fourth Canonical Book]. No place, no name, no date [Paris, Dondrey-Dupré fils, Société Asiatique, 1824]. 2 parts in 1 vol. in-8°. 1 large title page, 122 pp.; […]
Exceptional copy of Count Kirill Grigorievitch RAZOUMOVSKI, President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, with the cypher of the Empress Elisabeth the Ist Редкое издание Графа Кирилла Григорьевича Разумовского, Президента Академии наук и художеств в Санкт-Петербурге. С вензелем […]