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Sacon de Lyon pour Giunta de Venise
Petrus de Natalibus. Lyon, Sacon, 1519. Most attractive book with Massena’s arms. Rare Lyon printing on behalf of the Giunta in Venice.


Erasme. Problema et Epicureus. Wechel. 1533.
Erasmus. 3 rare first editions of Paris. Wechel, 1533 and 1537.


Psautier dominicain Venise 1551
Rare Dominican psalter published by Giunta, in Venice, in 1551.
Henri III duc d'Anjou roi de Pologne
Henri III, then Duke of Anjou, elected King of Poland, prepares his journey with an entourage worthy of his rank and power.


Henri IV. Abjuration.
His kingdom is well worth a mass ! Henry IV abjured and wants peace. He announces it to the Earl of Abin, devout Catholic and old friend of Montaigne. Lesson in political realism.


Claude Flamand
Claude Flamand. Three rare editions from 1611, published in Montbéliard by Jacques Foillet, including his treatise on surveying in its original edition.


Louis XIII and Huguenot revolt. 1622.
Louis XIII defeats the great Huguenot revolt in Languedoc in 1622. Rare contemporary engraving.


Louis XIV. Death of his mother Anne of Austria. Letter signed.
Louis XIV, shocked, addressed “the sad news of the death of the Queen Madame Ma Mère” on January 21, 1666, the day after her death. Particularly moving letter signed by his hand.


Louis XIV 1674 Dole
Letter signed by Louis XIV, addressed from the camp near Dole, three days after the fall of the town following the siege which the Sun King had led in person from 27 May to 6 June 1674.

Lenoble. Louis XIV son of Anne of Austria and Cardinal Richelieu!
Louis XIV, son of his mother Queen Anne of Austria’s adulterous love affair with Cardinal Richelieu!


Moulay Ismael and Mademoiselle de Blois
The powerful Sultan of Morocco Moulay Ismaïl (مولاي إسماعيل) in love with Mademoiselle de Blois, daughter of Louis XIV, wishes to marry her.


Comtesse de Verrue
L’Histoire des plus fameuses courtisanes de la Grèce“, with the coat of arms of “the King’s W…“, the Countess of VERRUE, the famous “Dame de volupté”.


Order of Saint-Michel
The Statutes of the Order of St. Michael, a symbol of loyalty to the King, in an edifying binding with the arms of LOUIS XV, from the library of NAPOLÉON III.


Boulainvilliers arms's of Machault
BOULAINVILLIERS, his famous writing about gabelle. Handwritten copy with the coat of arms of Louis-Charles de MACHAULT, Intendant and Advisor to the Conseil de Commerce, Lieutenant-General of the Paris Police, first President of the Grand Conseil under LOUIS XV.

形態之吉凶 陰陽合復學. In-Yô. 18th century Japanese erotic manuscript, illustrated with colour drawings.


Huet. Dessin original. Singeries scatologiques.
Christophe Huet. How do you do… ? Drawing and engravings.


Votaire Fontenoy
Voltaire. Le poème de Fontenoy. Only 600 copies printed by the Imprimerie Royale, this one bearing the royal coat of arms.
René Dubuisson
Almanac with arms, 1745. Rare binding by René Dubuisson.


La Véritable Magie noire. 1750. Pentacle.
Grimoire. La Véritable Magie noire. 1750. Very rare original edition.

Giraud La Peyronie in the underworld.
La Peyronie in the underworld, at Minos. Arrest of Pluto against the Faculty of Medicine. Satire by the Franc-Comtois doctor Claude Marie Giraud in praise of Lapeyronie and the Faculty of Medicine. Rare contemporary copy, mid 18th century.


La Mettrie. Œuvres philosophiques aux armes de Pie IX
La Mettrie. Œuvres philosophiques. First edition, blacklisting for materialism and atheism, annotated, arms of Pope Pius IX !
Coupe des pierres. Manuscrit inédit XVIIIe.
About the Cup of Stones. Unpublished manuscript treatise written by Louis Chausson during the reign of Louis XV. Fully illustrated.


Statement of sailing officers in the service of the French East India Company, 1756 & 1766. Precious contemporary manuscript in a sumptuous binding.


Voltaire à la troupe de la Comédie-Française au sujet de Tancrède.
Voltaire, demanding but nevertheless diplomatic author with the troupe of the Comédie-Française, very emancipated. Autograph letter signed about Tancrède.

Miniature. Étrennes mignonnes. Liège, 1762. Reliure brodée.
Miniature book. Étrennes mignonnes for 1762 published in Liège by Kints, in a splendid binding embroidered with gold and silver thread.


Médecine. Antoine Petit. Manuscrit autographe inédit.
Antoine Petit‘s Physiology Course. Precious autograph manuscript.


Eptingen Regiment
Eptingen Regiment on parade. March 20th 1764.


Louis XVI. Maximes. 1766.
Louis XVI, aged 12, prophesies the Revolution! Maximes morales et politiques tirées de Télémaque, printed in Versailles by the Dauphin himself in only 25 copies. Enriched with the autograph Anecdote. An exceptional copy of a very rare edition.


Rumpler. Engraving with autograph caption.
François Louis Rumpler. A moving letter of plenary indulgence at the point of death granted to Madame Rumpler, a nun of the Order of Saint Dominic.


Geneva. Manuscript. 1771.
Collection of several useful, interesting and curious things about the Republic of Geneva. Rare french manuscript from 1771.


Le Brigant. Linguistique. Celtomanie.
Celtic language is the mother tongue. The beginnings of linguistics in the 18th century. Precious manuscript of J. Le Brigant, singer of Celtomania.


Gardes Françaises juin 1789
Situation of the French Guards Regiment in June 1789. Exceptional document written on the eve of the storming of the Bastille, sumptuously bound by the Comte de Caumont.


French Revolution. 1789. 18 satirical miniatures to the glory of the Third Estate, in a single etching.
French Revolution. 1789. 18 satirical miniatures to the glory of the Third Estate, in a single etching.


Faux almanach. Crucifixion. Révolution.
Fake book containing a wax crucifix, a clandestine devotion during the French Revolution.


Athénaz. Italian campaign against Masséna and then Bonaparte.
Italian war against Masséna and Bonaparte. Precious correspondence from the Baron d’Athénaz, a Savoyard officer in the Sardinian army.


Comtesse de Genlis manuscrits autographes
Madame de Genlis. Le Jeu à la Madame, followed by the tale L’Isle des enfans, and by an unprecedented scientific study on the Agathe. Rare manuscripts.


Harrison. British military, quarter-master in armaments, 1800-1850.
Harrison. British military, quarter-master in armaments, 1800-1850.


Chronologie miniature. Napoleon. 1809.
Napoleon. Chronological ribbon to his glory. 1809. From Adam to Napoleon, from the Creation of the world to the foundation of a new Europe. A rare miniature object.


Bulletins de la Grande Armée 1812 Campagne de Russie
Complete collection of the 29 Bulletins de la Grande Armée published in 1812 during the Russian Campaign.


Napoléon prisonnier à Sainte-Hélène.
Napoleon prisoner on St. Helena. State of the English garrison in November 1816, during the arrest of Las Cases.


Bons Cousins Charbonniers
Bons Cousins Charbonniers. Rare Dole ritual, including that of the “Fendeurs”, published in 1812, printed in only 300 copies.
Jeu de Boule. Gravure 1817.
” Are you shooting or pointing ? ” Lovers of the game of bowls playing on the Champs Elysees. Paris, Basset, [1817]. Hand colored lithography.


Prochaska. Lettres de noblesse.
Johann Nepomuk Freiherr von  Prochaska. Adelstitel. Letters of nobility of Baron Prochaska, hero of the revolutionary and imperial wars against France (Marengo, Wagram). Document issued by Austrian Emperor Francois I.


Vigée-Lebrun; Signature
Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun. Emotional testimony of affection and admiration for the painter Franz-Niklaus Konig.


Album japonais
Rare Japanese album in dressed painted fabric. Village scenes. 日本のアルバム。村に。Around 1820-1830.


Duc d'Orléans, futur Louis-Philippe Ier
Exceptional and moving collection from the library of King Louis-Philippe, in which are described the tragedies and sufferings endured by the members of his dear family during the Revolution.


L’Ami des Jeunes Demoiselles. 1824.French educational work, copy from the Tsarskoie-Selo imperial library. Французское учебное сочинение, копия из Императорской библиотеки Царское Село.

Brillat-Savarin. Pysiologie du goût. 1826.
Brillat-Savarin. La Physiologie du goût. Rare first edition in contemporary binding.


Hugo. L'Amour et la Mort.
Victor Hugo. Love and Death. Juliette Drouet’s passion, the feeling of infinity and The Clock which leads to the fatal moment. Unique set.

Carjat's funeral tribute to Hugo.
Victor Hugo. Love and Death. Juliette Drouet’s passion, the feeling of infinity and The Clock which leads to the fatal moment. Unique set.


Considerant. Signature autographe.
Victor Considerant. Interesting intimate correspondence.


Médecine. Pamphlet en alexandrins. 1829.
“Car le moyen d’atteindre au vice radical Est d’arracher le masque au monde médical”. Violent pamphlet against medicine. 1829. Poem 2 566 alexandrines.


She swoons and he is the fall guy. Rare original drawing unpublished by Grandville.


Desmares. Les Métamorphoses du jour ou La Fontaine en 1831.
E. Desmares. Les Métamorphoses du jour, ou La Fontaine en 1831. Political parody of the Fables after the Trois Glorieuses. Rare copy of a condemned work.


Gustave Flaubert. Manuscrit de jeunesse inédit.
Gustave Flaubert. Unpublished youth manuscript.


Sceau d'Abd el-Kader
Emir Abd el-Kader [ عبد القادر بن محي الدين ] proposes a duel to the Duke of Aumale. “If you want to send for the singular fight your leader the son of the King, I, the slave of God, will fight against him”. Holy War and chivalry.


Lamartine par Bisson. 1841
A. de Lamartine by L. A. Bisson. Exceptional daguerreotype around 1841.
Saint-Martin. Des Nombres. 1843.
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. Des Nombres. 1843. Very rare original edition.


Guillotine Schmidt
Guillotine and Executioners. Recherches historiques et physiologiques sur la guillotine, et détails sur Sanson by Louis-François Du Bois, rare booklet from 1843. With the execution of Papavoine in 1846.


3-barrelled-weapon Bible
A surprising Bible that reveals the secrets of canonisation.


Antique deck of 32 transformed cards
Antique deck of 32 transformed cards


Pasteur discours autographe sur l'enseignement secondaire
Louis Pasteur criticizes the reform of secondary education, especially teacher recruitment and training, as well as the attractiveness of the profession. A striking today speech !


Album chinois. Shanghai 1860 中文相册。上海, 徐家汇
Chinese album. Shanghai 1860 咸豐十年 (1860年), 照片集, 上海徐家匯


Berlioz Héroïque de Beethoven. Corrections autographes.
Berlioz revises his analytical study of Beethoven’s Heroic Symphony.Why this despair ? why this rage ? we do not discover the reason. “


G. Courbet, lettre autographe signée à V. Hugo.
G. Courbet writes to V. Hugo in exile. Persecution and Hope. One of his most beautiful letters.


Courbet to Carjat. Unpublished artistic letter.
Like a drunken man, I didn’t care about cars, I didn’t care about the pavement, it seemed too short, I was painting“. G. Courbet found inspiration at his friend Etienne Carjat’s house. Unpublished letter.


Vémar Hugo parodies
L’Homme qui en rit. A rare parody of Victor Hugo’s work.


Coligny-Chatillon Contes francs-comtois
Three Légendes comtoises transcribed and illuminated by Louise de Coligny-Chatillon for her son Raoul. Overwhelming testimony of maternal love.


Barbey d'Aurevilly misogyne
Barbey d’Aurevilly misogynist.


Minuscule livre-boîte, ravissant keepsake
Miniature Book Shaped Box, lovely keepsake.


Marin-Baldo Monument Christophe Colomb
José Marin-Baldo. Proyecto de un monumento á la gloria de Cristóbal Colon y de España. 1880. Gift copy given to Queen of Spain Isabella II. With photographs of the pharaonic project.


Durand-Ruel to Monet
I’m counting on you to make me masterpieces like you’re capable of making. You need courage and confidence.The art dealer Paul DURAND-RUEL supports his friend Claude MONET.


Pasteur note autographe recherche sur la rage
Louis PASTEUR seeks the rabies vaccine. Autograph results of inoculations on dogs from rabbits, monkeys and children !


Figaro Tonkin Pellerin
Tonkin War. 1884. Le Figaro, the french newspaper, denounces Chinese false propaganda.


Phare Saint-Georges Reef
St. George Reef Lighthouse Lantern, in California.


Boulanger Agenda 1888
Precious General Boulanger’s agenda for 1888, the year in which he shook the Third Republic.


Mallarmé. Lettre autographe inédite
Tout existe pourvu que cela chante”. Mallarmé entrusts his vision of poetic art in 1888. Unpublished letter.


Verlaine. Amour. Exemplaire d'épreuves. Envoi et annotations.
Verlaine, in misery, desperate, sings the love of God and men. Poignant documents.


J. Clarétie.
Jules Clarétie. Valuable correspondence concerning the Comédie-Française of which he was the administrator.


Steinlen Cats. Original drawing.
Steinlen and his cats. An amusing feline variation on the initial of his name. Original drawing.


 Shimizu Seifū. 清水晴風. Unai no tomo. うなゐの友 初編. 1er volume de la rare édition originale de 1891.
Shimizu Seifū. 清水晴風. Unai no tomo. うなゐの友 初編. 1st volume of the rare first edition published in 1891.


Lautrec. Le Divan japonais. Affiche originale.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Le Divan japonais. 1893. Original litographed poster.


Le Bon. Horseback riding. Photos.
Gustave Le Bon. Treatise on horseback riding. Enriched copy with original photos, with an autograph sent to the son of President Sadi Carnot.


Comin'Ache. Capitalisme. Autographie anarchiste.
Comin’Ache. Capitalisme. 1899. Violent anarchist printing.


Jules Lemaitre. Anti-Masonic manuscript.


Gulliver. Alphabet. Expression blocks.
Gulliver attacked by the Lilliputians. Expression blocks. English alphabet toy, late 19th century.


Hayard Affiche antimaçonnique
L. Hayard. The Great Secret of Freemasonry. The art and the way of being elected Member of Parliament . Anti-Masonic comic strip around 1902. Rare poster.


Pierre Louÿs. Gammes. Poème érotique.
Pierre Louÿs plays his Scales singing the saphic pleasures. Very erotic poem. For warned amateur.

Almanachs miniatures
Lovely collection of 35 miniature almanacs.


Jordaan Guillotine
“Fiat Iustitia !”. The Guillotine, a terrible instrument of revolutionary justice. Striking drawing by Jordaan.


Cocteau Diaghilev et Nijinski
Jean Cocteau. Diaghilev et Nijinski [Дягилев и Нижинский] period of Stravinsky‘s Rite of Spring.


Pergaud Lettre à Descaves 1915
Louis Pergaud, in the trenches, on 3 March 1915, a few weeks before his death, written to his friend Lucien Descaves. Unpublished moving letter.


Guerre de 14-18. Haut-commandement allemand caricaturé par Pierre Chatillon
First war 14-18. German high command caricatured by Pierre Chatillon.


Aragon. le Libertinage. Love, Humour and Anarchy.
Louis Aragon. Love, Humour and Anarchy. Annotated proof of Libertinage and two unpublished autograph manuscripts.


Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Graphic Arts and Crafts. 1927-1938. The most phenomenal magazine of the time, devoted to French graphic design of the 1930s. Rare complete in 68 issues.


Pascin. Dessin original. 1930.
Facetious drawing by Jules Pascin, a few months before his suicide. L’Heure des croquis (Germaine Eisenmann, Pierre Dubreuil and 3 models).


Ruhlmann. Lettres et documents.
A. Ruhlmann, archaeologist. Morocco owes him its prehistoric museum. Precious correspondence and documents.


Malraux. Correspondance de guerre et documents. 1940-1975.
André Malraux “prisoner“. His loves, his struggles, his work. Intimate correspondence with Josette Clotis during the war and various documents. 1940-1975.


Pagnol. Marius-Fanny-César. Author's dedication.
Marcel Pagnol. Marius, Fanny and César. The famous trilogy from Marseille, each volume with the author’s dedication.


Gide manuscrit autographe
André Gide. Glory’s thumbs in nose. Handwritten autograph talk.
Delacoste toys. 1951-1959.
Hiawatha, Cléo, Henry, Woody, Kopa, and their friends. Delacoste toys that made children happy. 1951-1959. From design to production.

Miller à Buchet. Correspondance inédite.
Henry Miller to his publisher Edmond Buchet. Unpublished correspondence. 1952-1969.


Gérard Philipe
Gérard Philipe and Jeanne Moreau in the Prince of Homburg.


Cocteau. Menton. Villefranche-sur-Mer.
Jean COCTEAU presented his ideas to the painter Jean-Paul BRUSSET for decorating the chapel of Saint-Pierre in Villefranche-sur-Mer and the wedding hall at Menton Town Hall.


Mady Mesplé . Correspondence.
Here a Barber, there a Lucia, my life is spent in theatres and on trains, but it’s her I’ve chosen and I’m happy with it.Precious unpublished correspondence from the great soprano Mady Mesplé.


Tschaikowsky by Burne HOGARTH, the “Michelangelo of 9th art”. Original drawing.

Léo Ferré
Léo Ferré. Viens… Memories of childhood and adolescence, disappointment, his love for the theater and women. May 68.


Lucien Carny. L'Alchimie. Recueil de gouaches originales.
Lucien Carny. L’Alchimie. Exceptional collection of original gouaches.